Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bigfoot Porn Becomes a Political Issue in Virginia Congressional Race

“Now he has been exposed as a devotee of Bigfoot erotica. This is not what we need on Capitol Hill.”

Bigfoot erotica? Apparently, it’s not just for Bigfoot anymore. A U.S. congressional race in Virginia has suddenly taken perhaps the strangest twist any political race has ever taken as one candidate is accusing the other of being an aficionado of Bigfoot pornography. Is it true? What exactly IS Bigfoot porn and where can you get it? (Asking for a friend.)

According to The Daily Progress, Democratic candidate Leslie Cockburn tweeted screenshots from an Instagram account of Republican candidate Denver Riggleman which showed images of Bigfoot naked – with its private parts pixilated. The post (since purged) was accompanied by the comment: “Cover art for #matinghabitsofbigfoot almost complete. I hide nothing in this magnificent tome. Don’t erase the censor box…”

Really! And it gets better. Another image from the Instagram account shows Riggleman’s head pasted on a censored nude Bigfoot with the comment: “My ‘buddies’ thought this pic was fitting for my birthday next week and to celebrate my new book release in a month or 2… ‘Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him…”

Bigfoot walk of shame?

Nice “buddies.” And it still gets better. Riggleman reportedly deleted a Facebook author page in which he was promoting his self-published book, “The Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him.” Riggleman is admittedly somewhat of a Bigfoot expert. He’s the co-author, with outdoors writer Don Barone, of “Bigfoot Exterminators Inc. The Partially Cautionary, Mostly True Tale of Monster Hunt 2006.” While not Bigfoot porn, it definitely links Riggleman and Sasquatch.

What is Bigfoot porn? According to IO9, it began in 2008 with the movie ”Ape Canyon,” a porn flick about “how Bigfoot comes to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. and begins enslaving women with his mesmerizing sexual skills.” In 2011, the genre was expanded with “Sasquatch Porn,” a porn mockumentary about an “erotic film entrepreneur” hunting for “his next big porn star – a seven-foot tall vixen Bigfoot, preferably in heat.” The year 2011 also saw the release of “Sweet Prudence & The Erotic Adventure of Bigfoot” which tells how a young woman gets her degree in Cryptozoology by having Sasquatch sex at a nudist camp (where else?). If you prefer reading your Bigfoot porn, there’s the 16-book romantic novel series (16!) called “Cum For Bigfoot” by Virginia Wade. Needless to say, entering “Bigfoot” in the search boxes of any popular Internet porn site will bring up clips that defy the imagination.

If ya think I’m sexy, and ya want my body …

So it’s no surprise that a politician might be interested in Bigfoot porn and might be careless enough to leave the evidence around on social media. Denver Riggleman denies this is the case with him. A statement released on his behalf says “Bigfoot Exterminators Inc.” is a travel guide for Bigfoot hunters, not porn. Geoff Skelley, a political analyst for Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia, says Bigfoot issue likely won’t have any long-term effect on Riggleman’s campaign and that a book is unlikely to disqualify a candidate.

Really? Based on the attention it’s gotten so far, it has already had an effect. And we haven’t yet heard from Bigfoot.



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