Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Unexplained Megacryometeor Nearly Kills Man in England

One of the strangest aerial phenomena happening with increasing frequency lately is the discovery of what appear to be megacryometeors crashing to the ground. While the prevailing theory seems to be that these are chunks of ice falling from aircraft overhead, these unexplained chunks of ice pre-date the advent of aviation and sometimes fall nowhere near flight paths.

A Spanish megacryometeor from 2007.

Chunks of ice up to 6.6 pounds (3.0 kg) once fell from cloudless skies across Spain for ten straight days.

The latest case of an explained boulder of ice to fall from the sky occurred in Bristol, England, where Lockleaze resident Jamie Shean escaped a certain icy death by sheer luck. Shean was at home around 10:20 on the evening of Saturday, November 3rd when he heard what he says sounded like an explosion coming from the direction of his bedroom:

I was sitting there watching telly – it must have been 10.15pm, maybe 10.20pm, I’m not sure. There was just this almighty ‘boom’, like a massive crash from the bedroom. It sounded like an explosion. I fully expected to find that someone had fired a firework through the window and it had gone off in the room. It was a hell of a crash. realised I would’ve been dead if I had been in bed at the time.

Photographs from Shean’s bedroom show that the chunk of ice punched a massive hole in his ceiling, revealing the sky above. Several large pieces of ice, some the ice of a soccer ball, were found strewn around the room.  It’s difficult to tell how large the complete piece of ice might have been, but given that many of the shattered pieces were too large to fit in a freezer, this was one large block of ice.

Yeah, that would have hurt.

Earlier this year, CCTV cameras in London caught a megacryometeor miss a street sweeper by mere feet.

As in many recent cases, the ice was clear or whitish – not the blue you would expect if the ice had been discharged from an aircraft lavatory system. Still, it could have formed out the outside of an aircraft; nearby Bristol Airport says there were two planes flying in the vicinity at the time and will investigate. While in some cases these chunks of ice have fallen in areas close to aviation activity, in many instances they haven’t. Could these be a natural phenomena? Aside from one 2007 study, little scientific research has been conducted on these anomalous icy meteors.

Cases like this one make you wonder: if there have been so many cases lately in which these chunks of ice have fallen in populated areas, how many times must this occur daily in the sea or unpopulated areas?



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