Monday, December 24, 2018

Aliens: The “Hybrid Children” Controversy

Tales of so-called hybrid children and hybrid babies are well known in the field of Ufology. They are overwhelmingly controversial and, for many, disturbing. Most definitely, there is a greater percentage of female abductees who are said to have had interactions with the hybrids than there are male abductees. Under hypnotic regression, numerous women have reportedly been taken on board a UFO, or, on more than a few occasions, to an underground installation, where they are introduced to the hybrids. In such situations the woman will either be laying on something akin to an operating-room table, or sitting in a chair that resembles a dentist’s chair. It’s then that something remarkable happens – although, admittedly, many might call it utterly terrifying. As the abductee looks on, a group of the black-eyed Grays will approach, with one of them holding in their hands a tiny baby that is clear not entirely human, even though it exhibits certain, physical, human traits. The abductee is then encouraged to take the baby from the Gray and to cradle it. Researchers of the phenomenon have suggested that this procedure is undertaken to try and instill an emotional bond between the abductee and the hybrid. If this all sounds very calm and tranquil, it very often is the precise opposite. All too often, it’s said to be a downright trauma-filled situation.

Those same abductees, when presented with a hybrid baby, sometimes develop sudden and unexplained suspicions that what they are being shown is the baby they were once carrying, but which they assumed had tragically miscarried. In this scenario (which is – very understandably – extremely controversial, offensive and insensitive to many), abduction researchers suggest that the abductees are impregnated during an earlier abduction, they then carry the fetus for a number of months, and then it is removed from the mother during a later abduction, and essentially “grown” in what we might call an artificial womb. An outrageous scenario, to be sure, but could there be some reality attached to it? I ask that question for a specific reason: we, the Human race, are now working – and working hard and fast – to develop artificial wombs.

The process of growing a fetus, and bringing it to full term in an artificial womb, is called ectogenesis. Much of the research is still at a theoretical stage, predominantly because of restrictions and regulations that govern the ethical, or non-ethical use, of human embryos in experimentation. But, not all of the work is theoretical. As one perfect example, we have to turn our attentions to Japan, and experimentation undertaken in 1997, at the Bunkyo, Tokyo-based Juntendo University. The program was led by Yoshinori Kuwabara – the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics at the university – who was successful in growing goat embryos that were contained in a machine filled with amniotic fluid, a yellow-colored liquid contained in the amniotic sac, and which surrounds the growing fetus. Such research is still continuing, right now.

Some might say that the process of effectively leaving the mother out of the equation, and having the nine-month-long process of development handled in an artificial womb, may offer notable advantages. There is, however, one potential disadvantage, and it may prove to be a big one, should we ever decide to go down this cold and emotionless pathway. It is the matter of the deep and important bonding between the mother and the unborn fetus that quickly develops when pregnancy begins. Or, in the future, what might very well be a distinct lack of that bonding.

Might we see a 23rd Century, or a 28th Century, in which, as a result of a factory-like environment in which babies are created to order, specification, and design, that the bond is completely lost? Might we see the Human race, hundreds of years from now, reduced to nothing but cold, emotionless entities – in fact, just like the Grays, rather ironically – that will have no understanding of, or even any care for, the emotional angle of what it means to be pregnant? Such a thing, given that research in this field is pressing ahead, is not at all out of the question. It may be sadly inevitable. This same situation may also explain why the Grays are allegedly forced to present hybrid children to human mothers, in an effort to induce bonding: the Grays are utterly incapable of comprehending how to make that bond themselves.



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