Thursday, December 28, 2017

Scientists Weigh In On ‘Alien Alloys’ Stored in Las Vegas Hangars

UFO watchers and truth-seekers everywhere got an early Xmas present this year when The New York Times reported on a secret $22 million Pentagon program known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. This program, the NYT article claims, investigated reports of unidentified flying objects and analyzed artifacts and debris allegedly gathered from crashed alien craft. Many of the article’s claims should sound familiar to the world of UFO research – black money, reverse-engineered alien technology, classified military reports, etc. – but one detail jumped out: according the report, the Department of Defense has a collection of “alien alloys” and other materials stored in a hangar in Las Vegas which defy scientific explanation.

Similar claims of hidden mystery metals were made after the Roswell Incident.

Similar claims of alien mystery metals were made after the Roswell Incident.

One of the authors of the NYT article, Ralph Blumenthal, told an MSNBC interviewer that these materials are unlike anything found on Earth:

They have, as we reported in the paper, some material from these objects that is being studied so that scientists can find what accounts for their amazing properties, this technology of these objects, whatever they are. They’re studying it, but it’s some kind of compound that they don’t recognize.

Claims of strange and amazing alien metals are nothing new, found in other UFO cases such as in the mysterious “memory metal” found after the Roswell incident – and throughout science fiction, of course. After these most recent claims received such widespread coverage, scientists around the world weighed in to share their thoughts on these so-called “alien alloys.” According to several chemists, the existence of such an unknown material is impossible. Oregon State University chemist May Nyman, told LiveScience that thanks to X-ray diffraction, the crystalline structure of any metal alloy can quickly be identified:

These are all very standard techniques in research labs, so if we had such mysterious metals, you could take it to any university where research is done, and they could tell you what are the elements and something about the crystalline phase within a few hours.

Richard Sachleben, a retired chemist and member of the American Chemical Society, says it’s “quite impossible” that there are alloys we can’t identify:

There’s not as many mysteries in science as people like to think. It’s not like we know everything — we don’t know everything. But most things we know enough about to know what we don’t know.

While I’m sure thats true enough of everything we’ve found on our planet, I just have to wonder: given the vastness of the universe, is it actually impossible for unknown elements or alloys to exist? Seven new elements have been discovered here on Earth in the last thirty years, while the majority have been discovered in the last four hundred. On a long enough timeline, who knows what tomorrow’s science will uncover?

In some ways, then, the sounds of the Big Bang are still being heard.

I mean, there’s gotta be something out there we don’t yet know about, right?.

Furthermore, if (and that’s a big IF) an alien civilization does have the capability to construct spacecraft which can reach Earth, who knows what type of materials engineering capabilities they might have? Sure, these claims of alien alloys might not be entirely true according to our known science, but let’s point out the real issue here: what more is it going to take to get a serious conversation going about government disclosure of alien life? If a New York Times report with significant admissions from on-the-record officials isn’t enough, I don’t know what is.



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