Saturday, January 27, 2018

“A Thin Black Shadow With A Large Head”

Of all the many and varied reports I have received on issues relative to the Men in Black, the Women in Black, the Shadow People and the Hat Man, one of the most sinister and disturbing is that of a woman named Patricia. She told me of a series of trauma-filled experiences with shadowy, nightmarish, fedora-wearing figures. She emailed me as follows: “Dear Mr. Redfern, I just finished reading your book, The Real Men In Black. I was particularly interested in Part II: The Theories. I am 62 years old, from a town near the Mississippi River across from St. Louis. I grew up in the country, next to a lake. This is pertinent because I do believe that water can be a conduit for paranormal phenomena. And, I am also a Pisces. I include my age because what happened to me was before any kind of media frenzy about UFOs, or abduction stories were made popular by books or movies. I am a former art teacher and artist, extremely creative, was the quintessential flower child in the 60s, all of which works against one as far as credibility is concerned.”

Patricia continued: “It began when I was quite young. I had night terrors every night. Afraid to sleep alone (my bedroom was the closest to the lake), I ended up in my parents bed up until I was almost 16 years old. I always imagined something was in my room. What happened one night, shook me to the core, for years. I was around 16 (already having periods) when, as I began dozing off, I saw a thin black shadow with a large head peek around my door looking at me. I didn’t feel right, couldn’t focus or move and was basically paralyzed while the ‘shadow’ mounted me, and what I guess was, having sex. Remember, 16 year old girls were far more naive then, than today. I fell into a very deep sleep.

“I was troubled for weeks and then when time for my period came around, it didn’t. I was terrified, and couldn’t figure out what had happened to me, because I wasn’t sexually active. My period began the following month. Now, a person might say that nerves alone could interfere with female cycles, BUT, throughout my entire life, I had only skipped 3 periods. Once when I was very ill and hospitalized while living in Venezuela, secondly, when pregnant with my son and thirdly, this incident with the black shadow person. I put it out of my mind until many, many years later when the alien abduction/impregnation theories became popular. I am not saying this was my case.”

And there was more to come from Patricia: “Now, for my MIB stories. About 5 or 6 years later while finishing up my art degree, I shared a house with another art student who, incidentally, was very psychic. We had some terrifying events take place in a small, old basement-less wood framed house, where we spent our senior year. I always heard my named being called out, the telephone would ring at strange hours of the night with no one on the other end…and interestingly enough, about 30 seconds after the phone would ring, our animals, in opposite ends of the house (2 birds & a cat) would flap violently in the cage and the cat would go shrieking around my roommate’s studio. It always took us about 5 minutes to quiet them down.

“Then one night I was visited by another shadow person. This shadow wore a black fedora and either a bulky black coat or a cape. I saw only its silhouette. I was pinned down with my arms over my head in a brain fog. I felt if I didn’t scream out, I would be taken. He just stood at the foot of my bed. I finally bolted up and at that same moment the animals began their flapping and shrieking.

“For the rest of the semester, I slept in my roommate’s studio and only went into my room for clothing. Just 2 years ago my husband and I while driving back from Austin, drove through my old college town. We stopped by my senior house and I spoke to the current owner. He said he had never had any kind of paranormal event there, and was surprised when I was so adamant about my experiences.”

And, finally, there was this from Patricia: “The 3rd and last shadow person came to me when I was around 35. I used to travel a lot and took a trip to Paris by myself. The first night I once again found myself with my arms pinned back, up over my head in a brain fog. The shadow man was the same as the one before, but bigger. After a ‘struggle’ I awakened myself, terrified and didn’t sleep the rest of the night. I was afraid of the huge, long Parisian windows in the room, thinking that something had come into my room that way. It was a difficult trip after that, because I did not sleep well. I wonder if all of the black shadow men, in fedoras and black suits or capes that people around the world see, are actually MIBs. Throughout my adult life, I have had very vivid dreams of UFOs.”



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