Thursday, February 7, 2019

Household Items That Are Said To Be Dangerously Haunted

When we think of things that are haunted, we automatically imagine old creepy houses, abandoned villages, and even dolls. But sometimes simple items in our homes can be dangerously haunted or cursed. This article will detail six of the most haunted household items in the world.

Thomas Busby’s Cursed Chair

Thomas Busby enjoyed having a few drinks at his favorite pub, sitting in his favorite chair. He was a petty thief with a quick-temper who rarely backed down from a confrontation. In the summer of 1702, he had a huge argument with his father-in-law, Daniel Awety, which began when Awety sat in Busby’s favorite chair. The argument escalated and Busby ended up killing Awety that same night.

Busby was sentenced to death by hanging and was granted one final request. He asked to have a drink in his favorite chair. Prior to his execution, he claimed that “Death shall come swiftly to anyone that dares to sit in my chair,” and that’s when the story of the cursed chair began.

Click here to see a picture of Busby’s cursed chair.

The first of many victims of the cursed chair was a chimney sweep who used Busby’s chair. But shortly after his work break, the man fell off the roof and died.

In the following centuries, many people were dared to sit in the chair and many of them refused. However, several Air Force Officers in World War II accepted the dare and sadly enough, none of them returned home from the war. Then in 1967, two RAF pilots sat in the chair and ended up dying when their car hit a tree.

Old wooden chair – not the one cursed by Thomas Busby

Since so many people died after sitting in the cursed chair, the landlord decided to put it in the basement away from the public. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of it, as a bricklayer who was doing work at the pub got tired and decided to take a rest in the chair. Later that same afternoon, he ended up falling to his death. Other untimely deaths include a roofer who died when the roof collapsed under him; a cleaning woman who accidentally stumbled onto the chair and then had an aneurysm; and a delivery driver who had an encounter with the chair ended up crashing his van.

The landlord ended up giving the chair to the Thirsk Museum in North Yorkshire, England, where it now rests six feet off the floor so that nobody else will fall victim to its deadly curse.

Mirror at the Myrtles Plantation

Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisianna, is known as one of the most haunted locations in America. In addition to the several ghosts that allegedly roam around the property, the home also possesses a mirror that is said to hold so much paranormal activity that it’s been nicknamed “the haunted mirror.”

Judge Clarke Woodruff lived at the plantation with his wife Sara and their children in the 1800s. As the legend goes, a slave named Chloe poisoned Sara and her two children. Some say she meant to kill them, while others believe that she had just intended on making them ill.

Haunted mirror at Myrtles Plantation

Nevertheless, it is believed that the haunted mirror trapped the spirits of Sara and her two children and that’s why their apparitions can often be seen in it. Visitors who take pictures of the mirror can sometimes see the outlines of the spirits’ bodies in their photographs, as well as handprints that seem to be pressing on the mirror from the other side as if they’re desperately trying to escape.

Basano Vase

The Basano Vase was made from carved silver in the 15th century and is the focus of one frightening legend. As the story goes, the vase was made as a wedding gift for an Italian bride. But on her wedding night, the newlywed was discovered lying on the floor and holding on tightly to the vase while she was dying. Right before she died, she made a promise to return and to seek vengeance.

After the bride had passed away, her vase was handed down to several different family members – all of whom died under mysterious circumstances. Eventually, the vase was put in a box and stored away in a secret location. While it’s unclear as to who actually hid the vase, it is believed that a priest buried it on sacred ground. Although, many others claim that is vanished until suddenly reappearing in 1988.

After it had been rediscovered, it was sold at an auction to a pharmacist who died mysteriously only three months after purchasing the vase. His family then sold it to a surgeon who passed away two months after buying it. An archaeologist then bought the vase and died three months later from a mysterious infection.

Click here to see a photograph of the Basano Vase.

While several museums were offered the vase, none of them would take it because of its curse. While it’s unclear what happened to the vase, some people say that the police buried it at a secret location, and others believe that it’s inside of a lead coffin and buried in an old cemetery.

Chair of Death at Baleroy Mansion

Located in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, the Baleroy Mansion was built in 1911. There have been numerous ghosts spotted in the mansion as well as other paranormal phenomena that can’t be explained. Even George Meade Easby, who lived in the house until his passing in 2005, claimed to have had many paranormal experiences while living there.

In addition to ghosts roaming the location, the mansion also has a dangerously cursed object in one of its rooms. Located in the Blue Room is a cursed chair that is said to have killed several people. In fact, it’s been nicknamed the “chair of death.” The archives that are stored at the Chestnut Hill Historical Society indicate that at least three people died within a very short amount of time after sitting in the wingback chair.

Wingback chair – not the chair of death

Mr. Easby told the authors of Haunted Houses, U.S.A. that a housekeeper who sat in the chair suddenly slumped over and was deceased within hours. Mr. Easby’s cousin and a friend of his were also victims of the cursed chair.

Conjure Chest

In the nineteenth century, a man named Jacob Cooley asked a slave named Hosea to build a chest for his first-born child. Unfortunately, the chest did not meet Cooley’s standards and he ended up killing Hosea. Other slaves vowed revenge for their deceased friend so they asked a “conjure man” to put a curse on the chest for future generations. And that’s exactly what he did while sprinkling died blood from an owl on one of the drawers and singing a conjure chant.

To see a picture of the conjure chest, click here.

The curse that was put on the chest was a powerful one indeed as it allegedly took the lives of 17 people, including Cooley’s first child who the chest was initially made for. In fact, several of the Cooley kids died after coming into contact with the cursed chest. Eventually, a “conjure woman” was contacted in order to lift the curse from the chest by making a type of potion.

The chest is now at the Kentucky History Museum in Frankfort where it’s been since Mrs. Mayne (the chest’s last owner) donated it in 1976.

Haunted Bunk Beds

In 1987, Allen and Debbie Tallmann, along with their children, were living in a small Wisconsin town called Horicon. Almost immediately after buying a second hand bunk bed, odd things started happening in their home.

The children witnessed an ugly old woman in their bedroom with long black hair and a glow-like fire. Other strange events included the radio switching stations when nobody was around it; a chair rocking all by itself; doors opening and closing on their own; and disembodied voices coming from empty rooms. That’s when the Tallmanns brought in their pastor who claimed that he felt like the devil was there so he performed a blessing on the house.

Wooden bunk beds – not the ones purchased by the Tallmanns

Unfortunately, even with the blessing, the activity continued. Fed up, Allen Tallmann called out the spirit one day yelling at it to pick on him and that’s exactly what ended up happening. He witnessed red eyes staring at him through the garage door, then green eyes in his bedroom that told him, “You’re dead.” Having suffered enough for the nine months following the purchase of the bunk beds, the Tallmann family ended up leaving their home in the middle of a cold Wisconsin winter night. They also disposed of the cursed bunk beds.

The vacant home was eventually sold and that’s when the new owners gave permission to the Unsolved Mysteries crew to film an episode (focused on the cursed bunk beds) inside of their house which aired on television in October of 1988.

Click here to see a picture of the Tallmann house and the bunk beds depicted in the episode of Unsolved Mysteries.



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