Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Former Train Worker Reveals Haunting Secrets Underneath The Streets Of Sydney

A former train worker has come forward with some surprising (and haunting) information about what’s underneath the streets of Sydney, Australia. The man, who did not want to be named, told Daily Mail Australia that behind an office building on Pitt Street, there’s a metal door that leads to a tunnel which stretches under the city and goes to Central Station.

According to him, that was just one of many tunnels that are located under Central Station that’s inaccessible to the public. The former Transport NSW employee said that he had access to the tunnels while he was working. Apparently, there’s a steel door in front of a locked vault in the tunnel, but since nobody is allowed in, it’s unclear as to what’s actually inside.

There are additional tunnels underneath the St. James Station which is close to Hyde Park and there is an old bomb shelter there. What’s even more surprising than the bomb shelter is that there is an actual underground lake in the tunnel as well.

Central Station in Sydney

In addition to the secret tunnels, there are also some pretty creepy facts about Sydney’s Central Station. Platforms 26 and 27 were built on top of the old Devonshire Street Cemetery in the 1970s. While the bodies were dug up and reburied at another location, the spirits were still disturbed, and people have experienced paranormal activity at those platforms.

Sydney Trains officials claimed to have heard disembodied voices as well as children playing when nobody else was around. In fact, the sound of children playing in the tunnels has been heard on numerous occasions. Tony Eid, who is the director of operations with Sydney Trains, told Sydney Morning Herald, “Workers down here said they would hear kids playing and, thinking they were vandals, would go and investigate. On one occasion I was down here with a radio crew and we all heard children playing. Take that as you wish but we all heard it.”

There is more than likely residual energy left there from the Battle of Central Station when soldiers rebelled against the army and a shootout took place with military guards. One soldier was killed and eight were wounded when a drunken soldier fired his gun and the guards retaliated.

Macquarie Fields is another train station that is said to have paranormal activity. The apparition of a woman clutching her bloody chest has been seen and she is also heard screaming in horror. After the last train leaves the station at night, a “faint crying on the breeze” is sometimes heard.

Central Station in Sydney

With secret underground tunnels, platforms being built on top of a gravesite, an unexplained vault, and ghostly apparitions, Sydney, Australia, is surely a mysterious place – or at least the underground is.



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